Tuesday, July 29, 2008



In the ministry of evangelism, you have three positions;

1.) Start: This is all the great prepping that goes on to begin any hard work. You will get every opposition to your even wanting to care. You will have every one around you telling you why it will be hard. You will convince yourself even that you are not quailified for the position. The ones that you are preparing all this for will look to you as "hopeless ones."

2.) Asking For God's Help: Sometimes just as a human, you do hard things just for His sake. Because you know it is a "Better Way." It's hard to position yourself with just one goal in mind, and that is; that Jesus is Lord and you are dead in Him...

3.) Doer: "Do all things as unto Christ Jesus, do not deny the Lord, you have not because you ask not, ask and ye shall receive, if any man...open the door, I will come in to him, but as many as received Him...He will give...power to become sons, be ye doers of the Word."

ROPE Ministries; 07/28/2008

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